Your questions


About your trip

How to come to Cape Verde?

To come to Cape Verde from Europe, you will initially fly towards the capital Praia.
You can choose between a direct flight, a stop is Lisbon (Portugal) and Casablanca (Morocco).

How to get on the island of Maio?

To come to the island of Maio, three choices are available:
—> The plane which we favor (available Monday and Friday with a flight time of 10 min).
You can book your flight on-line : Booking Website of TACV (MAIO-PRAIA)
—> Private boat provided by the inhabitants of the island who will pick you up on a beach (400 euros crossing, 6 people maximum)
—> The freighter/passenger (available 2 times per week, 13 euros/person)

There are no means of transportation to the island of Maio upon my arrival to the capital, what to do?

It may be possible that your arrival time does not coincide with the available means of transportation for Maio. In this case, we know someone trustworthy to the capital which offers very affordable bed and breakfast service.
His contact information:

Medical Issues

How to access care when needed on the island of Maio (hospital, clinic, pharmacy)?

The hospital of the island is a 10 minute walk from the house to the entrance of the village, towards the airport.
Note: No vaccinations are required to come to Cape Verde

About the house

Does the housekeeper understands the french ?

The housekeeper of the guest house Maioverde does not officially speak French. However, she will understand without any problems some common terms. This is an opportunity for him to share your language and vice versa with her.

Where is the nearest supermarket ?

Less than 2 minutes from the house are two supermarkets open all day.
There is also the village market that offers fresh products (vegetables, fruit).
You can buy fish in the morning directly from the fishermen on the beach of the village.

About places

Can we rent vehicles?

You can rent on the island cars, scooters or quads.

Where can we eat on the island?

You will easily find many restaurants in the village and beachfront.

Can swimming be dangerous?

Some beaches can be dangerous cause of big waves. This is why we advise you to never swim alone and focus on beaches in the presence of people. The islanders are very helpful and caring, they will help you in case of problems.

Are the animals on the island dangerous?

A major benefit of Cape Verde and particularly the island of Maio is that there are no dangerous anima. You may meet urchins on some beaches.

Miscellaneous questions

What is the money/currency in Cape Verde?

The money in Cape Verde is called “escudo” but the euro is often accepted

Where can we make the currency exchange?

You have the opportunity to make changes to the Capital Airport in Praia directly upon arrival. You will also find many points of exchange either banks or private stores.
Note: 1 euro = 110.265 escudos